- - - Spitz 373 Planetarium Projector - - -

Museums' Spitz 373 next to Nova III Planetarium Projector
Pictured is the Museums' Spitz 373 right next to a Harmonic Reed Nova III. When Spitz bought out Harmonic Reed in 1972 they made several needed improvements to the projector. This included a new and better all metal starball with lenses for the brighter stars to replace the plastic starball used by Harmonic Reed. They also replaced the weak filament lamp in the Nova with a brighter arc lamp used in their other Spitz projectors. They also made the base taller and added a geo-centric earth. We believe that Spitz sold 200 units of this model planetarium projector.
This Spitz 373 planetarium projector was beleived to be owned at one time by the University of Iowa.

Owen Phairis, P.O. Box 3400, Big Bear Lake, California 92315
ophairis301@gmail.com (909) 806-5698