The 'Planetarium Projector Museum' has published a beautiful collection of 6 historic Zeiss planetarium projector postcards from our archives. These postcard images were made from original old glass magic lantern slides in the Museum collection. Quality high resolution scans were made and then retouched. It has been part of our preservation project to see that these historic images are not lost due to the ravages of time. We have several sets still available and will continue to make them available till we run out. As a bonus we will include a color postcard of our Zeiss ZKP-3B and a collectible brochure on the Museum. Price is $15.00 post paid mailed to the USA only. Please make Check out to Owen Phairis and mail to: Owen Phairis, P.O. Box 3400, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Containing many Historical Zeiss Projector Photographs
The Museums' Telescope Collection and Planetaria